
This page is a compilation of resources our members have found and shared.  Happy woodworking!

Other Woodworking Clubs
Ottawa Woodworkers Association

Hands On Halifax



Online Community
Woodworker’s Guide
Canadian Woodworking and Home Improvement Forum
Sawmill Creek (US wood working forum)

Wood Supply
Halifax Specialty Hardwood
Home Depot
KJP Select hardwoods (Ottawa based exotic hardwood retailer)
Joe Woodworker (veneering and veneer supplies)

Tool Supply Scroll Saw Blades
Lee Valley Tools-Fine woodworking tools and garden tools
Busy Bee Tools
Stockroom Supply
Workshop Supply – (Ontario based wood working supplier.)
Delta / Porter Cable Tools
Grizzly (US version of BusyBee tools. They now ship to Canada)
BrandNew: Custom Branding Irons
Highland Woodworking (online woodworking retailer)

The Finishing Store – Home (online finishing retailer.)
Wood Essence (online seller of finishing products.)

Canadian Home Workshop
Fine Woodworking

Nova Scotia Centre for Craft and Design
Rosewood Studio (Ottawa based Woodworking school)
Port Townsend School of Woodworking (Washington State based woodworking school)
North Bennet Street School: Home (Boston based woodworking institution)
Michael Dresdner (everything you needed to know about finishing. Dresdner has done a couple of videos for Fine Woodworking, plus articles.
Gary Katz Online (product reviews, how-to articles, etc. Good reference material)
Passion for Wood – Exquisitely crafted fine furniture and custom design (Ontario based woodworker that provides group or individual instruction as well as conducting seminars/ seminars)
The Wood Whisperer (American site. Marc Spagnuolo does a lot of how-to videos, as well as group builds of furniture, etc. Also provided a great tip when JessEm was selling their master router lifts for $150. Excellent, excellent reference on all things related to woodworking)

Google SketchUp
Google SketchUp
Creekside Woodshop-SketchUp Drawings (free Sketchup plans and tutorials)
Sketchup for Woodworkers – Tutorials (Sketchup tutorial videos)
Home (Google SketchUp 7 For Dummies)
Google SketchUp Tutorials – SketchUcation

Reversica: Hide Your TV With Style (hardware for specialized woodworking projects)
Sole proprietorship (CRA website for those looking to start their own business)
LeeWay Workshop, LLC – (after market blade guards that included dust collection)

Workplace Health & Safety

Repetitive Stress Injury
NS Occupational Health & Safety Courses (free)
Hazards and PPE Presentation (Annotated Presentation, Stephen Parsons)