15 Members and Guests in attendance
Confirm quorum is present
Call to order – 6:45 – by Chair, Stephen Parsons
Report of Chair
Highlights include:
- First full year of the new dues membership schedule
- Great use of member knowledge with variety of presentations
- Steady membership
Move to accept Chair’s Report as presented
Motion: Don Second: Walt Carried
Report of Treasurer
Doug MacIntoshed presented on behalf of Phil, who is in Arizona
Doug presented recommendation to review of asset list within this fiscal year (by operations and compliance committee) - Phil has a number of suggestions for changes
- Operations and compliance committee working on policy manual include job descriptions for board members
Motion to accept financial report as presented
Moved: Walt Second: Bob Motion Carried
Election of Officers
Tom Patterson as nominating committee
Presented slate, as shared in recent notice to members
Still seeking:
• Vice chair (6 year commitment)
• Committee members to support programming (led by Don Shubaly)
• Auditors – Doug and Don
• Membership benefit coordinator – still vacant
As required by procedure, Tom made three calls seeking nominations from the floor
With no additional nominations, slate accepted as presented
AGM Closing
Brad Holley took over meeting in new role as Chair.
Brad extend thanks to the nominating committee, Tom Patterson, to auditors, Don & Doug, and to Stephen, now past chair
Motion to bring AGM to a close
Move Stephen Second Tom MOTION CARRIED
Monthly raffle
Winners – Tom – walnut donated by Expressions of Wood
Jack – sharpening jig donated by Stephen
Call to order 7:45
Brad intro – woodworker since about 2007 – started coming to AWA at about 2011 – joined board 2015 as member at large – consider members of AWA as mentors, teachers.
Goals as chair:
- listen to members
- continue to learn
- ‘keep all my fingers’
Stephen introduced new member Dave from Three Fathom Harbour
Announce online auction
Mortising attachment – donated by Callum Ewing – won by Mike Winslow
Member Presentation: 5 Min Challenge
These presentations were the first on our brand new breakdown bench (thanks Bill!)
Brad – 5 Minute dovetails
- Practice of 5 min dove tail encourages you to be very efficient
- Do tails first – leaves more room and makes it easier to transfer markings to cut the pins
- Use fret saw rather than coping saw – easier to maneuver
- Brad demonstrates his skill with a five-minute dovetail join.
Darrel – flattening a board in 5 minutes
- To do in 5 mins, has to be fairly limited problem – this one is cupped
- With only cupped side, if doesn’t rock too much, can start flattening with plane immediately – harder pine – might be fir – not sure
- If you have a pretty nasty board, can use a scrub plane on it. – chose a #6 plane
Use a pair of good winding sticks or metal straight edge to see how far off flat
Show and tell
- Jack
- box guitar made for fun, with scraps
- watch box with glass shelf (made to replace a gift that was sent but lost by Fed Ex)
- Brad
- box –started as extra gift at Christmas in case of design opportunities – white oak with beeswax
- Tom
- bandsaw box -made with wenge (first attempt with paduk made too much mess) – made the larger box and then a small version from the piece taken from the center of the larger
- Gary
- zubrano (zebra wood) – with extra special tiger iron special stone picked up in PEI to match zone– Gary used powdered dye to make epoxy brown as a placement for the stone
- Darrell
- box frame for some of his plane collection using dove tails joints and mahogany accents. He will finish with two doors
- Don
- a pair of small turned boxes with lid
Brad shared a request for small pieces of fruitwood – contact Brad or Grindhouse
Next meeting
April 9, 2019
Workshop Wonders -tools, jigs, storage…. to put into use in the shop
Andrew Lowe – using wood threads
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