May 8, 2018 – North Woodside Community Center, 230 Pleasant, Dartmouth
16 members + 1 guest in attendance
Call to order by chair, Stephen Parsons, at 6:50
Business & Reminders
Review of agenda. Review of Minutes
MOTION: Move to accept agenda as presented
New Business
- Stephen proposed having a BOD Exec / committee meeting on a Tuesday since we have one extra booking due to March storm cancellation. This would be a chance for some decisions about direction and also a chance to continue review and purge of library materials
- Suggestion made to organize another shop tour this spring / summer. We suggest Eastern Shore visit as there are several members in pretty close proximity (Guy Lanctot, Rick Perhsson, Stephen Parsons/Mary Elizabeth O’Toole) – Darryl will look at options / dates / interest
- Jewels commended the group on being a welcoming environment for all comers.
- Walt is still looking to collect for memberships and is looking at setting up a PayPal account as another payment option that might make it easier for members to pay dues
- Discussion around supporting members outside Halifax area…. On the Facebook page, there has been some interest for building a guild in NB – Darrell mentioned that there is an active Woodworking guild in Fredericton that has its own club house and some machinery through the city but, unfortunately, it is only available to members of 55 or over. Walt suggested setting up skype with any interest NB members — discussion tabled for consideration at Board meeting
- Darrell mentioned being approached to volunteer at 4H, which has lots of woodworking so could be an opportunity for members to volunteer. No action identified at this time
This month, Stephen Parsons did a presentation on use of Laser in Woodworking. He spoke about his CNC Laser and provided some examples of how he has used the work in his work in a number of ways. His Power Point, complete with speaker notes, is available on the website. Trevor Edis also shared some of his experience with his larger, more powerful laser that he uses in his business.
Thanks to Stephen for all the tips and to Trevor for his additional insight.
Stephen’s Laser Presentation with Speaker Notes
Show and Share
This month, our challenge was a tool or jig
- Stephen shared a shooting board which he assembled before realizing he had done it for left hand when his dominant hand is his right. Guess he will have to work on his skills of ambidexterity. Stephen also shared his a suji kebiki (marking gauge – finished with laser etched markings) and wari kebiki (splitting gauge).
- Guy used a pattern from the Wood Whisperer to make a jig for making dado cuts
- Mary Elizabeth showed a simple block plane that she had made for an early woodworking project
- Darrell demonstrated a custom handle he made because most of the standard handles are not large enough to be comfortable for his hands. He also showed other handles for awls including one awl that he stumped us with – one that had square sides on the end and was used for making bird cages
- Doug showed a useful small knife that he made from old bandsaw blades cut n 5” lengths. The sheath has a rarer earth magnet that keeps the cover on the knife, making it safer to have in a pocket on easy to hang on a wall
- Tom presented flexible planning boards that allow work from different angles
- Bill shared lathe turning holes and showed us a patent and pattern from Nathan Ames of Boston that he found in his research. It included a layout tool for marking squares and finding centers
- Phil brought along a beautiful marquetry table (contrast created with veneer on a surface) made by his brother George. There is some wiggle in the legs – member discussion led to conclusion problem could probably be fixed with new hinges on the folding legs. Suggestion for new hinges at Lee Valley. We’ll have to ask Phil to follow-up with a solution
- Some of the jigs and tools
- Stephen’s shooting board
- suji kebiki (marking gauge – finished with laser etched markings
- Mary Elizabeth’s basic block plane
- Guy’s with jig
- Darrell with his collection of handles
- Doug’s cool small knife
- What a great idea for keeping cover handy
- Tom demonstrating a versatile holding system
- Bill made some measures from an old patent and design he found
- Phil shared some work by his brother
Congratulations to this month’s winner, Trevor Edis, who took home $20 from the 50/50 draw.
Next Meeting / Challenge
Tuesday, June 12, 2018
CHALLENGE: 2×4 Challenge – anything that you can make with one piece of construction-grade 2×4 and no additional wood. Hardware, stain, paint and other embellishments are welcome. There will prizes, which will be awarded by a draw. Participants get one chance for every entry.
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