AWA Meeting Minutes – AGM 2018

April 10, 2018 – North Woodside Community Center, 230 Pleasant, Dartmouth

NOTE: The AGM was originally scheduled for March 13, 2018 but had to be postponed due to weather conditions

22 members and 2 guests in attendance

Call to order

Chair Stephen Parsons called the meeting to order at 7:00

Motion to accept agenda as presented.

Moved: Brad Holley                       Seconded:  Gary Dumas                                MOTION CARRIED


Business Arising

  • Review of minutes – membership year was changed to align with meeting cycle (Sept – June) rather than fiscal year
  • Recorded donated computer as having no asset value
  • Question at previous AGM re compliance.
    • Secretary submitted required documents (Treasure’s report, BOD member changes) to ensure compliance with Joint Stocks
  • We implemented a structure change to increase emphasis on committee involvement


Stephen presented the Annual Report with highlights of the 2017-2018 year. 

Highlights included:

  • One big effort this year was updated committee structure to cover key activities and strategies
    • Finance & Compliance (chaired by Phil Carter & Stephen Parsons)
    • Member Services (chaired by Walt Vandekeift)
    • Marketing & Communications (chaired by M.E. O’Toole)
  • There was a slight increase in paid memberships this year as well as a change in the membership dues schedule
  • Events and challenges have included tours of member shops and vendor locations including Expressions of Wood and Elmsdale Lumber
  • The communications to members has had some changes including a new newsletter format and the addition of a Facebook page. There have been some updates to the webpage and a redesign continues
  • Our library was dedicated to one of our founding members, Graham McCullogh and this was marked by a plaque on the library unit
  • We have recently celebrated a year of meeting at the NWCC, which has given us some stability as well as a place to store our library
  • In the summer, we held our 2nd annual BBQ, once again generously hosted by Ted and Debbie Monk
  • Finally, we had another successful Christmas event with over 300 toys donated and more than $600 raised thorough raffle tickets and donations. We also partnered with Lee Valley for a Canada project mentoring enthusiastic you groups in building dozens of bird, bat and bee houses for donation to trail groups.


Motion that chair report be adopted as presented          

Moved:  Walt Vandekeift            Seconded:  Dave Schlosberg                       MOTION CARRIED


Phil Carter presented the Financial Report for 2017  


  • 2016 Income (dues, 50/50, sale of tools, sale of donated items, sale of sandpaper): $1396.70
  • Expenses (including admin costs, rent and insurance): $1369.37
  • Net Gain for the year: $27.33
  • Fixed assets include library books and cabinet, projector and screen, PA system and drill doctor), which are shown as assets with no value so no depreciation is required. If assets are sold, they will be shown in income / expense statements .
  • Other Assets include supplies for resale (sandpaper, donated items): $249.40
  • The financials were reviewed by our auditors, Sheila Eddy and Dough MacIntosh



  • Members present had a discussion about burn rate and income vs. outgo. Committees will be challenged to identify ways to have more income
  • Walt noted membership has no extra associated costs so priority might be to get new paid members
  • Doug pointed out that expenses not tied to membership and might be a good place to look for review.
  • Suggestion made to review insurance expense and see if there are other group options because the Rec NS is quite expensive and offers benefits that do not apply in our situation.

Motion to accept financial report as presented

Moved: Tom Patterson                 Seconded:  Walt Vanderkift                        MOTION CARRIED

Election of Officers

Tom Patterson gave the report of the nominating committee, which included Tom as well as Gene Nurse and Stan Salsman. 

Most of the BOD members are going into the second year of there term so there were few changes. 

Chair Stephen Parsons
Vice Chair Brad Holley
Past Chair Gary Dumas
Secretary /Communications Mary Elizabeth O’Toole
Treasurer Phil Carter
Librarian Mike Winslow (NEW)
Registrar Walt Vandekieft
Events Coordinator Darrell Hamilton (supported by resource committee)
Web Master Don Shubaly
Members-at-Large Bob Baird

Sheila Eddy (Trustee / Member Auditor)

Bill Howes (+assistant librarian) (NEW)

Doug MacIntosh (Trustee / Member Auditor)

Stan Salsman

As required by rules of order, Tom called three time for nominations from the floor.  No new names were offered. 

Nominations were accepted as presented

We thank the nominating committee – and welcome the new volunteers for the leadership team.


AGM adjourned at 7:55  Regular monthly meeting followed after short  break.

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