Member Profile – Phil Carter

Phil Carter

Phil shows off an extension to the house, some cabinetry, and some turning projects.

Phil was the association’s treasurer serving on the executive for a number of years. I was able to visit Phil at his home in Halifax and he gave me a great tour of his home which has benefited from his skills as a carpenter and woodworker.

Here is how Phil answered our standard question list:

What is your occupation?    I’m retired.

How long have you been a woodworker?   Fifty years, off-and-on. 

How did you get started in woodworking?    I wanted to make an entertainment centre for a hi-fi (HeathKit) that I built in the fifties. .

What is your favourite tool?  A very good lathe and and table saw are essential for the kind of projects I like to do.

Phil shows us a turning project

What is your area(s) of specialty?   I have no particular area of interest or specialty. Lately I have been leaning towards turning projects.

What is your preferred type of project?  I like to build furniture and general construction projects. [Note: I was treated to a tour that included many nice cabinetry and furniture pieces showing off Phil’s many talents – the picture above shows some good examples of some of the varied types of projects Phil has done.]

Tell us about a special successful project(s).   I am very proud of the furniture projects I have done. For example, two corner cupboards, a pedestal table, a drop-leaf dining room table and an oriental bench all presented new and unique challenges to me. Oh, yeah – then there’s a couple of rocking horses for my grandchildren that I also thought went real well.

What piece of advice would you like to give a new woodworker?  Pick a project and get it started! Don’t be afraid to get help along the way if need be.