2011-11-08 Meeting

Don Shubaly got the November meeting underway at 7PM promptly. The meeting was held at Halifax Specialty Hardwoods new location at 112 Blue Water Road in Hammonds Plains. Don welcomed everyone as well as a number of guests and new members to the guild. Dick Jamer was...

2011-10-11 Meeting

Chairperson Don Shubaly opened the meeting by welcoming everyone to the October meeting being held at Busy Bee. As there was not a lot of new business to discuss Don turned the floor over to Gene to update us on a few items. A reminder about the upcoming Tool Sale on...

2011-09-13 Meeting

The 2011/12 season of the Atlantic Woodworkers Association got underway promptly at 7:00 PM with 23 members in attendance. Don Shubaly opened the meeting welcoming all members and guests to the new season. Don reiterated that he was not at the final June meeting but...

2011-06-14 Meeting

Gary Dumas got the final meeting of the 2010/2011 Atlantic Wood Workers season underway at 7PM. There were many members and spouses in attendance. As this was our first “Wood Challenge Presentation” we got underway with a presentation on each piece by the...

2011-05-10 Meeting

Chairperson Don Shubaly opened our May meeting by thanking Lee Valley for allowing us to use their facility for our meeting. Prior to getting started with a presentation on hand planes some business items were discussed. Bayside Camp update Gene Nurse informed us that...

2011-04-12 Meeting

The April 12th meeting got underway promptly at 7:00 pm. Chairman Don Shubaly welcomed everyone as well as a number of new faces in the audience. Don talked briefly on the following subjects: Website – There has been a noticeable increase in activity on our new...