2012-09-11 Meeting

The first meeting of our 2012-2013 season got underway at 7pm. There were approximately 25 members in attendance. Don Shubaly started with a run down of the agenda for the evening. Don talked about the past executive meeting and the discussion to proceed with...

2012-06-12 Meeting

Don Shubaly opened the meeting with a brief rundown of what was taking place tonight. Don mentioned that the AWA Executive would be getting together next week to discuss some ongoing business and for some next season planning. The next meeting will be September 11,...

2012-05-08 Meeting

23 members and guests in attendance. Don Shubaly got the meeting underway welcoming all members and guests to the ‘Wood challenge” meeting.  The agenda would include the IWK Challenge, The Whistle while you work challenge, and the Photo challenge.   Dick...

2012-03-13 AGM

Don Shubaly got the meeting underway promptly at 7pm as we had a very full agenda. Don laid out the agenda for the evening; First the AGM, then the presentation by John Woods, Next up the “Mini-Challenge” followed by Show and Tell and time permitting “Ask the Members”...

2012-02-14 Meeting

Gary Dumas chaired the February meeting. There were about 25 members in attendance. Gary welcomed and introduced guests Terry, John and Mike. They gave a brief summary of their interest with woodworking. Mini Challenge Sheila Eddy talked about the “Mini-challenge” and...

2011-12-13 Meeting / Holiday Social

2011 Annual Toy Drive and Social Held at Lee Valley, Halifax Don Shubaly opened the meeting welcoming everyone to the annual Toy Drive and Social. Don outlined what would take place including the Toy Drive, Show and Tell, a Festool demonstration and Social. Don...