Our members are our greatest asset
Member Benefits
- Resources – Our librarian maintains an excellent library of woodworking books, magazines, project plans, DVDs and other educational materials that
can be borrowed at meetings and returned the next.
- Member-only web site AWA maintains a website that is accessible by members with additional resource including our full membership list with contact information, discounts and coupon codes,
- Discounts – includes a list of local businesses that provide a discount on purchases to AWA members. DISCOUNT LIST TO BE UPDATED IN 2023
- Newsletter – Members receive a monthly AWA Newsletter by email or mail along with regular notices by email concerning activities and events.
- Learning – Our monthly meetings offer an opportunity to learn from other members and guest speakers about techniques, tools, and skills
- Networking – Networking opportunities exist both online and in person. Our online forums and galleries provide opportunities to explore other member’s projects, project drawings and plans, items for sale, and much more.
Joining the Association
Our membership runs August – August Annual dues are:
- $30 for adult
- $15 for student
- $40 for family membership
NOTE: Memberships purchased between May and August will be full fee and will be valid until the end of the following membership year. Returning members who have not paid dues by our October meeting will lose membership privileges until membership is paid in full. Those interested in joining the AWA are welcome to attend a meeting or two as a guest. Membership dues can be paid at any meeting, or submitted to the treasurer by e-transfer.
If you wish to join at a meeting, please bring a completed membership form with you.
membership form 2023 (MS-Word Format)
membership form 2023 (PDF Format)
You can submit an application for membership using the form below (New Registration). Please note that form details you submit will be verified and submitted to the Association for approval. Submitting this online registration verifies that you subscribe to and agree to honour the objects of the Association.
Questions about membership should be addressed to our registrar: Calum Ewing calumewing@eastlink.ca