AWA AGM 2022

March 8, 2022
North Woodside Community Centre
(with remote access via Zoom)

Call to Order


In person:   Gary Dumas, Darrell Hamilton, Bill Howes, Doug MacIntosh, Tom McCluskey, Ted Monk, Mary Elizabeth O’Toole, Stephen Parsons, Glenn Whitehead, Mike Winslow

Via Zoom: Phil Carter, David Costain, Calum Ewing


(quorum of 5 reached)

Approval of Agenda

  • Call to Order
  • Approval of Agenda
  • Approval of Previous Minutes
  • Reports
    • Chair
    • Finance
    • Registrar
  • Election of Officers
    • Appointment of Auditors
  • New Business
  • Motion to make changes to the bylaws of the Association, section OFFICERS.

Motion to accept agenda
Moved: Gary – Second: Stephen

Motion Carried

Approval of Previous Minutes

Moved: Stephen –  Second: Darrell

Motion Carried


(attachments to follow)


Attachment to follow

Highlights include
New partnerships – Halifax Tool Library, NSCC (student project for animation)

Motion to accept report as presented

Moved: Ted – Second: Tom

Motion carried


Phil Carter, Treasurer (via Zoom)

COVID and technical challenges prevented meeting for auditor review.

Motion to accept report pending auditor’s review (auditor’s review at April meeting)

Moved: Brad  – Second: Bill

Motion carried


Presented by Calum Ewing, Registrar


Motion to accept report as presented

Moved Doug –  Second: Phil

Motion carried

Election of Officers


All current BOD members standing for next year, most on second year of term

3 calls from the floor for nominations for Vice Chair – position remains vacant at this point

Stephen Parsons will resume office of Past Chair to assume the support role for the Chair


Motion to accept slate of offers – Move Gary Dumas, Second Calum Ewing

Appointment of Auditors

Doug MacIntosh, Mary Elizabeth O’Toole 

Note: Brad as backup if eligible as chair

New Business

Change to bylaws                

Motion to make changes to the bylaws section on OFFICERS of the Association.

At our 2020 AGM, we approved change to roles of Vice-Chair and Past Chair from 2-year to one year but the bylaws do not reflect this change.  This motion will make the bylaws consistent with our new structure.


Whereas we have revised the term of Vice-Chair and Past Chair so we will have not always have both officers in any year,  I move that Article 42 a) be modified to read:
“The officers of the Society shall be a Chair, a Vice-Chair and/or Past Chair, a Treasurer and a Secretary.  The offices of the Treasurer and Secretary may be combined.”

And Article 44 be revised to read:

“The Vice-Chair or Past Chair, shall, at the request of the board and subject to its directions, perform the duties of the Chair during the absence, illness, or incapacity of the Chair. Or during such period as the Chair may request.”


Move: Stephen – Second: Bill 

Motion Carried


Moved: Darrell 


Regular monthly meeting to follow

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