Call to order and welcome from Brad at 6:50.
15 members 1 guests present
- News a& Updates
- Member presentations
- Mark Chisholm – Tips for selecting /using a hammer
- Brad Holley – using shellac
- Show and Tell (2×4 contest)
- Outstanding Business
News & Updates
- Stephen will be doing a series of beginner sessions doing a BBQ scraper at LV – 4 sessions this Saturday (Free but registration required)
- Walt shared a fun card he received from school kids for whom he builds classroom materials. Included a finger painting and suggestions of good gift ideas for Walt such as A chair, underwear, stool, a stick, a doll house, a Halloween costume
- Busy Bee is moving (end of June??)– Wright Ave. – new location just down the road, bigger – there have been some sales but likely will be more sales, especially some of the bigger stuff
Member Presentations
Mark Chisholm – Tips on using hammer
- Goal is 5 minute presentation
- 3 main types of hammers
- Framing
- General (16 oz)
- Finish (10 oz)
- 3 main features
- Striking plate
- Claws
- handle
- stiletto hammer
- very light weight
- with a side puller, which gives you more leverage,
- removable head
- magnetic nailer
- Use the handle of the nailer for more power and leverage
Observation from Don, Gary, Jack —
- Small hammer very handy for little stuff, use it around the shop all the time. Not for much hammering but great to have for quick small jobs – light weight, easy to use
Question – are there many framers still doing lots of hammering (vs nailer) – still lots of people doing hammer and nail
- Style of hammer / claw “California nailer”
- Air compressor – nails are smaller so less hole
Brad Holley – Shellac
Shellac – use a lb and a half cut – mixing the shellac flakes with the methyl hydrate – put the flakes in and shake it every couple of hours
Recommendation to get a small dedicated coffee grinder for breaking down flakes even more
Recommend – not use a twist top for bottles where you mix shellac – try cork instead
Guy – has recipe cards that he gets with every order that he receives from where he buys shellac
Apply 2-3 coats very quickly – usually only doing small projects – o dries very quickly
Guy – each coat blends with previous cut – last coat should be with the grain – TIP: apply wax with 0000 steel wool – very fine – does buffing and finish at the same time (skips sanding step)
Can put wax on top of shellac – can buy wax or unwaxed flakes
What is shelf life – really good – recommended for no more than a year after mixed
Question: how does this effect grandkids water? Shellac is protein based -from beetles
MEMBER QUESTION – where does shellac come from
- raffle sales
- networking
- sharing ideas
- prize time
- 2×4 challenge pieces
50/50 DRAW – made $52 – thanks to Jack, Phil and Steve Leblanc for wood. This month’s prizes and selections
- Don – grouping of glue, markers
- Mark – cherry turning wood (phil)
- Mark – (2) Glue
- Gary – wood bundle
- Stephen – wood bundle
- Phil – glue pack
Show and Tell
- Don – product review – Lee Valley spring catalog– Had a new corner scraper – smaller than expected but sharp and easy to use – excellent for glue lines – great for getting in corners – $40 bucks – intro price – can’t sharpen but can buy replacement blades (about $11.50 each) – recommended
- Walt – scraps from Steve LeBlanc – axels from dollar store – — ‘graduation gifts ‘ for the kids In daughters class – transformer trucks
- Brad – cedar that was burned not painted – char wood shoshugi bon – preservation of wood – works better in cedar than other woods – long lasting, uv resistant – weed torch from amazon – attach to propane tank
- J.- wood blocks – added a little colour after showing blocks last time – sharing how AWA has helped her growth as wood worker – tries to use wood to support other people with wood
- Doug – self clamping stop block with rare earth magnets instead of a clamp
2×4 Challenge results
- Doug – Toy trucks – found a book in a used book store about Swedish folk toys – replicated some with 2×4 – rocky road – wheels not centered so on rocky road – multiple heavy looking like truck
- Stephen made shelf for router bits – will probably serve as prototype – rail and style door – 5/8 – sketch up for plan to make sure would fit in 1 board – room for 70 bits and some spaces for bushings, allen keys etc – holders can be pulled out and rearranged – has sketch up designs available – build the door around the piece of plex for the door – has a little magnet n it – box joint – no finish – not enough for a little drawer or even a cleat on the back – a little ogee around the door-may put little holders in the holes
- Don – lap table – prototype for a more finished project – different size edges so you have a choice of how deep incline-wedge wider on one side.
All 2×4 entries receive draw prize ticket. Two draw prizes – $25 card from Lee Valley – Winners – Doug – Stephen
Outstanding Business
- Still looking for a few board members
- Annual BBQ – Ted and Debbie taking a break from hosting this year so we are looking for other options for a summer road trip – suggestions contact Mary Elizabeth or Don
- Fortsner bits – looking for 1.5 and 1 1/16
- Phil has lots of veneer if people are interested
- Presentation on attaching veneer – good bonding with a vacuum
- This month’s Canadian Woodworker has article on pressing veneer
- Presenters for next year- Don would like to have volunteers for several specific topics to be on call for extra time at meetings. Some topics:
- Using a chisel
- Temporary fasteners (wood screws….)
- Gluing and clamping
- Sanding and abrasives
- Carving
- Share interesting articles – good tips, summaries
- Give product reviews – pros and cons
- Don is also looking for suggestions for challenges.
Next Meeting
September 11, 2019
Have a great summer!
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