June 13, 2017 – North Woodside Community Center, 230 Pleasant, Dartmouth
24 members and 3 guests in attendance. Call to order by chair at 7:05
- Attentive crowd
- ready for sharing and inspiratin
Business & Reminders
Welcome guests. Review of agenda.
- Business Arising
- Reports
- Lee Valley workshop review
- 2nd Annual BBQ – July dates
- Name Tags
MOTION: Accept agenda as presented made by Stephen Parsons.
MOVED: Walt Vanderkeift SECONDED: Sheila Eddy
Business Arising
- Everyone who participated at Lee Valley helping youth build bird, bee and butterfly houses had a really positive experience and feedback was great from participants and lee Valley
- 2nd Annual BBQ will be hosted by Ted and Debbie Monk – July 22 with rain date of July 23. It will be potluck format. AWA will cover hot dogs, hamburgers. Details to follow through newsletter list.
- Name tags – donation by Trevor but members paying $5 to AWA fund. Question from the floor – is this fund earmarked for anything specific? Phil will put money collected ($70 so far – thanks again to Trevor and Charlene at Blue Crab) in general fund. Trevor has agreed to make one more run for new members or those who did not see the call
- Question from floor – have we heard any more about Bravery Bead boxes – especially how they are being used and if there is need for replacement
ACTION: Stephen will follow-up to check on supply
- Stephen shared some possible designs for Graham McColluch plaque for library for some feedback. When design is finalized / approved, we will hire Trevor to make the plaque
The presentation for this meeting was made by Don Shubaly who shared some learning from a revisited project. The project was purpose built for the house/ space but changes in the house and family needs over the years have led to modifications. The unit was oak with raised panel doors covered with a dark stain. It was designed so each family member would have a place for boots/ shoes as well as an individual door in the entry area.
- Don shared learning from a custom cabinet
- Highlighting changes on second iteration
- Sharing some general tips
The project was made about 12 years ago and updated to a different style about about years ago. At that time, redid the top, used the old top for a back of an additional shelf.
- Build stuff that you can take apart later as needs change
- Aniline dye offers very good colour and coverage that keeps well. It can be messy to use so cover surrounding area that you don’t want coloured
- Buy stair treads when you see them on sale because they can be used for all sorts of projects (including the top or new shelf)
More updates were made about 1 year ago with the addition of new drawers and new doors and hardware. While doing that, redid drawer from the original box joints to the full slides now in use
Show and Share
This month was our annual 2×4 challenge, and, as usual, members produced a variety of unique items
- Tom used almost exactly 1 2×4 for his shop battery charging station
- Walt shared his car rack
- Tony’s beer carrier included bookmarked cuts and wood burning with a butane pen
- Greg produced a ‘bull roarer’ for effective primitive communication
- Brad showed some dovetail practice and recommended cutting pins first
- Doug cut his 2×4 into 116 wooden blocks (he has a head start on the Christmas toy challenge)
- Doug also shared a draw knife spoon that he made for last month’s challenge
- Mary Elizabeth with her Zen garden
- Don was inspired by his birdhouse building sessions at Lee Valley and made an octagonal birdhouse for finches and chickadees
- Stephen shared his plant stand, complete with a custom-made plant pot
- Gary with his his battery powered night light with plexy glass (plexy sanded with 320 grit paper)
- The nightlight at work
Winners of the draw prize for 2×4: Walt & Doug
Congrats to all for the fun, creative work
Other Business
Ask A Member
This month, seeking a consensus on the best finish for cutting boards
Members have different favourite – most common choices are mineral oil or mineral oil combined with beeswax. Another recommendation is shellac
50/50 was a big one this month Winner Tom Hichey took home half of the record $52.50 take from tickt sales. Tony and Stephen won bonus draws for donated wood
Next Meeting / Challenge
Sept. 12 – Have a great summer
CHALLENGE: Summer building
Watch email for info about BBQ and possible summer road trip.