AWA Meeting Minutes
Oct 11, 2016 – South End Baptist Church, 60 Hastings Drive, Dartmouth
22 members and guests in attendance
Meeting called to order at 7:15.
Business & Reminders
- Gary moved to increase budget for Aug BBQ from $140 to $189.40 to cover the costs of hot dog / hamburgers. Motion Carried
- Update on Market @Alderney – happens at 8-1 Sat – still trying to identify date so can’t yet commit to volunteers time. Members willing to volunteer pending dates
- Email list has been coordinated by Walt/ Stan/Stepen/Don and still making changes
- Reminder that Dec is not too far away so time to get started on toys for donations (don’t forget $ for raffle too)
- Reminder that library is now on line and there are more opportunities to make better use of the resources. It is possible to fin reserve books and are starting to build reviews. Tom Sevaes questioned if it might be worth publishing these reviews elsewhere. He will look into possibilities such as the Coast
- Bravery Box update –We have drafted press release and waiting response from NWG – working with Brian Sharpe @NWG – 10 more received from Dave & Bill. 4 from Bill made with butternut, and more from Dave, Bill, and Mark in cherry and maple We now have over 40 (to be stored in Chezzetcook). There are still boards from the East Coast donation which we will be able to use for more boxes or other future projects. Guy is going to store the extra 7 -8’ boards at his place in Lake Echo
- Stan challenged all members to submit one website that they use regularly. Stan will share in the newsletter
- Stephen told about visiting Russel Hart (Fall River) he makes live edge benches and sells wood in mixed batches. Stephen will share link
- Break for networking….
- …and buying 50/50 tickets
Show and Share
- Our challenge for this month was to build something with a drawer and there were several responses
- Walt created a safety station of oak, cherry, and cedar and some scraps. It was the first time that he tried box joints. Tip to put safety glasses in old jars to protect them from dust.
- Bob showed a mule chest made of pine with a spruce top, butt join, nails and glue. 2 dovetailed drawers. Non-mortise hinges. Mahogany stain followed by 7 coats of miniwax poly
- Stephen shared an artist desk that he modified from a writer’s desk in recent Popular woodworking magazine. Changed it to art desk with painter’s palette, bread boards on end grain in opposite direction from center piece. Used dowel/ glue for base
- Brad brought a drawer that will fit in his tool box using ½ blind dove tails (first time to try this technique by hand) which he claimed were good from far, far from good, a quote that will come in handy. Brad used cherry and pine.
- Brad also told us that past member, Rick Archibald had won a hand tool competition. Congrats to Rick!
- Other projects were also shared
- Bill and Dave shared additional Bravery Bead boxes
- Doug invited us to guess what he had made – then revealed that it was a music stand sheet holder
- Gary made a commissioned prayer kneeler of maple and walnut that was adjusted specifically for Rev Mike.
- Phil had a one-of-a-kind crib board
- Walt’s safety station
- Bob with mule chest
- Stephen and his art desk
- Brad with drawer
- Bill adding to Bravery Bead donation
- Dave sharing his additional box
- Gary’s custom made kneeler
- Doug’s music stand music holder
- Phil brought a unique crib board
Member Presentation
Guy Lanctot shared tips and demonstrated sharpening handsaws. He reminded us that you don’t have to be an expert to improve the working of the saw. Tip: sharpen to the point where all the teeth are shiny so you know that they are all the same height
- Guy shared some tips on handsaw sharpening
Other Business
50/50 – $22 won by Bob Baird – good take this month
Tom Servaes gave an update on the Tool Library that is now working on partnering with a Community Workshop. The library is open on Tues and Thurs evening at this point but they hope to get more volunteers and be able to open more hours. Tom invited AWA members offer support – located at 6070 Almon St.
Next Meeting
Nov 8/16. Phil Carter will present on his son’s work as knife maker
MONTHLY CHALLENGE – build something with a new technique, a new tool, or an old tool in a new way.
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