April 12, 2016 – South End Baptist Church, 60 Hastings Drive, Dartmouth
24 members and guests in attendance
The first part of the April meeting was the AGM. Our regular meeting started after break.
Business & Reminders
- Stephen gave a library update. In March, a group of members got together to review the current resource listing and to cull and organize materials. half of the library has been assessed. Books are currently marked with coloured duct tape identifying one of 12 categories:cabinet making, carving, design, finishing, furniture, home building, miscellaneous, projects, reference, tools, toys, and turning. Books checked in the 2016 are temporarily marked with white sticker to simplify future review. The web library is in the process of being updated based on our physical review. To date, 46 items have been removed from the listing and 38 new resources have been added.
- Walt updated info on member list – he is still waiting return of confirmation info from some members. He will be using that list to update records and will then pass on the list to Stan for the newsletter and Stephen for website updates. Walt will be resending the notice to people who are not on his list but have signed in to this meeting with their contact info. Starting this month, our mailing lists will only include people confirmed with registration. If you have not already done so, please contact Walt with your info.
- We will have our second annual shop tour on April 30. This time, we will visit shops on the Halifax side – Don Shubaly, Doug MacIntosh and one TBA. Details to follow by email.
Show and Share
CHALLENGE 1 – Bravery Beads Boxes – Members were challenged to create a 6” x 6” x 4” box as a prototype for boxes we can make for our contribution of approx. 100 boxes. Gary introduced with some pictures he received from a nurse who works at the IWK. We had a variety of boxes with input on what worked and what didn’t go as well. This was followed by discussion on what we want to do with boxes. The original thought was to make the boxes all the same but the feeling now seems to be that they do not need to be identical as long as all confirm to standards. The Bravery Beads committee, led by Stephen, will meet and identify parameters before the next meeting.
- Gary felt his box was too complicated for mass production
- Doug went with a pencil box style lid
- Darrel also used a slide lid – felt the splines too small
- Stephen went with his favourite box joints but suggested it is too much effort for this box. He liked the idea of a type of medallion to customize
- Stan used 1/2″ pine stock with a sliding top
- For box 2, Stan chose Baltic birch
- Dave used pine with spline and insert. He felt the inserts looked good but were too much work for production
- Dave was able to use the knots in the wood as a design feature
- Don had the the idea to build in an insert
- The insert was an extension on top that fit in the bottom
- Bill built several boxes with a design created with production in mind
- He used an assembly line approach
- Tom had a different idea with a double hinged box that many people liked
- Gary with many of the boxes
CHALLENGE 2 – Jigs from the workshop.
- Stephen shared his Incra designed tenoning jig for his mitre or table saw
- He has found it to be very flexible for other things – like cutting bread board ends
- Darrel shared a shooting board he made to be very customizable for the job
- He adjusted a plane handle to make it easier to operate on a slant for board
- Dave shared a different style of shooting board
- Doug came across some plans for a flexible push tool
- It has a removable insert that gets more user
- Gary has a small but invaluable set of jigs for measuring tool space – with 4 measures on each square
- A jig that allows you to cut pieces at 45 degree angle first that cut the straights to minimize angle changes. Ask him for the plan if you are interested.
- Don went ‘old school’ with a traditional design
- Easy to adjust framing angles with use of bevelled shims
- Simple to use and very flexible
Phil shared a couple of jigs but didn’t have a chance to do box prototype because he was busy with turning a variety of boxes from scraps. He also challenged everyone to guess what type of wood he had. Stumps most of us but Ted knew that it was lilac (no surprise there — Ted knows his turning woods!!). Phil rewarded him with a piece of wood for his stash.
- Phil created different size jigs to mount on a one-way chuck for turning bowls.
- Phil was very busy turning this month.
- Mystery wood
This month’s 50/50 winner was Roy, who won $22 – and returned $10 to the AWA coffers. Congrats Roy – and thanks for the donation.
Next Meeting
Tuesday May 10, 2016.
Monthly challenge for May: Make a game of any sort. It could be for any number of players, adults or children, indoor or outdoor – anything that gets people playing.
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