Sept. 8, 2015 – South End Baptist Church, 60 Hastings Drive, Dartmouth
27 members and guests in attendance
Business & Reminders
- Welcome back after summer and intro of guests and new members Greg, Glen, Al Wagner, Darrel Hamilton (apologies to Greg and Glen – didn’t get their last names but will do so next month)
- Discussion about tool sale. Should we have again and is the spring a good time of year. Tabled for some consideration and assessment by exec and membership. Also will look at selling tools on web site –decision to be made about members only or general public.
- Good time to get started on toys for the December toy drive. All members are encouraged to make something, even if 1 toy. Also, remember money for draw tickets / donation so we can try to top last year’s record amount.
- All members are encouraged to bring work-in-progress or finished projects to share. Members with all levels of skills are invited.
- Stephen did a web update to review changes to member only and public sites. Invite all members to have a look and contact Stephen or Mary Elizabeth with any questions or suggestions. They will be starting feature member profiles and also seeking reviews of products and resources to share on public site. Question of process for online registration on site – review in order?
- Take from the 20/20 meeting – $21
Members sharing ideas before the meeting and at break.
- Meeting a guest
- Buying 50/50 tickets
- Stephen, Walt, Don sharing ideas
- Phil and John planning our Oct. outing
- Checking out library resources
- Gary counting 50/50 sales ($21 to guild coffers)
- John presenting this outings for the coming weeks
- Stephen presenting web update
Show and Share
- Gary sharing planer sled for tapered jig…
- based on plans in Woodsmith Mag (Aug/Sept 2015)
- Demonstrating sled in action
- New member Greg showed his detailed box.
- Inspired by John Thurston box at the Dedhamor Metropolitan Museum of Fine Art in Ipswitch, Mass.
- Made with red oak. Fret work all done with hand tools
- Stephen was inspired by an article in the August 2015 Fine Woodworking with a writing desk by Christian Becksvoort
- Stephen repurposed it as an portable painting studio
- Tom shared a major summer project moving and expanding a gazebo
- Before….
- … in progress
- The end project. Pretty impressive move!
Upcoming Events
- Sept. 26 – Tour of member workshops – probably 3 shops and then lunch / beer. Details to follow
- Oct. 3 – Tour to 3-4 sites on South Shore. Details to follow. Stephen will set up car pool forum on website if interest.
Next Meeting
- October 20 (NOTE THIS IS 3rd TUESDAY. Change due to election training at church.
- Monthly challenge for Oct. 20 Meeting: Something for the kitchen
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