Member Profile – Stephen Parsons

Stephen Parsons

Stephen is a past Chair of AWA who describes himself as a lifelong learner in the woodshop. [Editor’s Note: After serving in various roles on the Board of AWA, Stephen took on the role of Treasurer in 2023 presenting his first Treasurer’s report at the AGM in March 2024]

Stephen with new bowl gouges


Here is how Stephen answered our questionnaire:

What is your occupation? Manager for Curriculum at the Community College

How long have you been a woodworker?  Started in childhood, but got away from it for some time and came back to it in the early 2000’s.

How did you get started in woodworking? My Dad was a very talented guy who was a real renaissance man – able to turn his hand to almost anything and do it well. But his love for working with wood infected me with an interest at an early age. Although I got away from it for a number of years, it was Dad’s work in restoring antiques – and particularly antique guns – that got me thinking about it again and gradually building up a suite of tools and skills that made woodworking a favorite avocation again.

What is your favourite tool? Depends on the day for me. I have been re-discovering woodturning this past two years and so my lathe is one tool that I enjoy getting to.  I think my work with routers this past few years probably makes it a favorite kind of tool for me. It is a very versatile tool and I now have five or six routers – table mounted, fixed and plunge type, and even some smaller palm routers and rotary tools that I enjoy working with and experimenting with.

What is your area(s) of specialty? I am still developing my skills. At present, I’d say that games and models are probably my forte. I built a box-joint jig I like to work with so box-making and box-joint joinery is something I am known for, I guess. I also have some expertise with 3d modelling software like Trimble SketchUp and this is something I have been teaching for a couple of years as a way to design and produce woodworking plans.

Stephen shows off his model-making skills – The ‘Burban 2015

What is your preferred type of project? I am always happy to get a commission for a project that presents a new challenge where I can feel confident I have the basic equipment and skills, but also an opportunity to learn and grow.

Tell us about a special successful project. I recently built a model of a Chev Suburban SUV which was a challenging piece of work having over 140 individual parts to cut and shape and many unusual angles and cuts. It came together beautifully and my client was really impressed.

What piece of advice would you like to give a new woodworker? Safety, safety, safety! Whether you are working with power tools or hand tools, you are working with sharp instruments and many potential hazards. It is such a fun hobby, but it can be spoiled quickly by an accident from inattention, poor planning, or fatigue. You can’t be too safe in your shop. Make “safety first” your primary rule and you can enjoy woodworking for many years. [Editor’s note: Since posting this initial profile, Stephen had a serious accident nearly severing the top of his left thumb – the Association’s YouTube site features a video explaining the accident and providing advice for avoiding this kind of injury in future. Check out the video at